Drivers Confess: What They Really Do Behind the Wheel

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Driving While Distracted

Recorded a video with their phone or other device: 36% Changed their clothes: 26% Shaved or applied makeup: 26% Fed or changed a baby or child: 8%
Pets Are in The Driver’s Seat

Sleepy While Steering
Risky Driving Habits Hit the Road
Texting/using their phone: 35% Zooming 10 miles per hour or more over the speed limit: 33% Going through a red light or stop sign: 27%
Road Rage Is All Too Real

Yelling at the other driver: 27% Cutting them off: 17% Slowing down or speeding up to stop the vehicle from merging into their lane: 17% Tailgating: 13%
Parallel Parking Is Petrifying

Other Top Driving Fears:
Driving through a toll booth: 30% Going through a car wash: 18% Navigating the drive thru: 15% Putting gas in the car: 15% Driving with other people in the vehicle: 14%
Full Speed Ahead

Repeat Offenders

The Most Common Infractions:
Speeding: 67% Seat belt violations: 29% Failing to stop or yield: 27%
Who Taught Drivers All These Bad Driving Habits?
Boredom May Lead to Risk-Taking
Drivers Have a High Opinion of Their Skills

How Drivers Describe Themselves:
I’m a safe driver: 45% I’m a great driver: 30% I’m a mediocre driver: 10% I’m a nervous driver: 9% I’m an aggressive driver: 6%
But … Their Family and Friends Don’t Always Agree
Safety (Sometimes) Comes First
People Tend to Drive Safer and Slower If:
The road conditions are poor, due to conditions like snow or ice: 61% Passengers are in the car: 53%
What We Drive
The Takeaway
About the Author
Pam O’Brien is an award-winning editor and writer who has covered personal finance, budgeting, small business, and money issues. She is also an expert in health and wellness whose work has appeared in O Quarterly, Shape, Health, and More magazines, among others.
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