What Is a Good Credit Score?

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What Is a Credit Score?
Information in Your Credit Report
Finding Your Credit Score
You can buy credit scores from the three credit bureaus or from FICO. Sometimes you can find your score on a credit card or loan statement. You can use a credit monitoring service or free credit scoring site.
Credit Score Ranges
800 to 850: exceptional 740 to 799: very good 670 to 739: good 580 to 669: fair 300 to 579: very poor
What Is a Good Credit Score for My Age?
Millennials (26-41): 687 Gen Xers (42-57): 706 Baby boomers (58-76): 742 Silent Generation (77+): 760
How Can I Raise My Credit Score?
Check Your Credit Reports
Pay Bills on Time
Pay Attention to Debt
What Can I Do With an 800 Credit Score?
The Takeaway
About the Author
Sheryl Nance-Nash is a freelance writer specializing in personal finance, business, and travel. Her work has appeared in Money Magazine, Newsday, The New York Times, Business Insider, BBC.com, AARP the Magazine, ABCNews.com, Forbes.com, among others.
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