Budgeting Tips for Beginners

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What Is Budgeting?
Benefits of Budgeting
Reach your goals A good budget encourages you to set aside a certain amount of money each month towards your financial goals, whether it's going on vacation, making a down payment on a home, or being able to one day retire comfortably. Pay off debt faster Once you go through all of your expenses and see exactly where your money is going each month, you may find easy places to cut back. That “found” money can go towards paying off debt. Feel less guilty about spending When you’ve accounted for an expense in your budget, you can spend that money without thinking, “Maybe I shouldn’t.” It’s been factored in — so you can and you should.
15 Budgeting Tips for Beginners
1. Come Up With Your “Why”
2. Add Up What’s Coming In
3. Add Up What’s Going Out
4. Assess Your Financial Situation
5. Determine Where Your Money Is Going
6. Track Your Spending
7. Prioritize Your Spending
8. Choose a Budgeting Plan
9. Negotiate Some of Your Fixed Expenses
10. Pay Yourself First
11. Build an Emergency Fund
12. Consider a Savings Challenge
13. Prioritize Debt
14. Automate Where You Can
15. Reassess Your Budget Regularly
Budgeting With Low or Inconsistent Income
Planning a Monthly Budget
How Much Should I Save Daily vs Monthly?
Common Budgeting Mistakes
Spreading Yourself Thin
Not Leaving Room for the Unexpected
Not Budgeting Based on Net Income
The Takeaway
3 Money Tips
Frequently Asked Questions
Photo credit: iStock/Ridofranz
About the Author
Emma Diehl is a nationally-published journalist with expertise in finance, real estate, and technology. Her work has appeared on NPR, The Huffington Post, Technical.ly, and numerous local publications. When she's not covering the world of personal finance with SoFi, she's probably rollerblading or planning her next meal.
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