How to Submit a CFPB Complaint

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What Is a CFPB Complaint?
What Is the CFPB Complaint Process?
What Situations Are Covered by CFPB Complaints?
Your credit report from one of the big three credit bureaus has reporting errors You dispute a purchase shown on your credit card statement You dispute overdraft fees related to an unwanted bank overdraft loan You dispute the origination fee on a personal loan You’re struggling to pay a mortgage loan You experience unreasonable delays when transferring money between banks You’ve paid off your car loan and are having problems getting your car title and lien release You have problems dealing with your student loan servicer You have trouble accessing funds on a prepaid card You’ve suffered losses in an auto loan scam You’ve fallen victim to debit card fraud and are having difficulty getting monetary relief You’ve taken out a title loan that charged fees or interest you didn’t expect You’ve received an unsolicited payday loan cash advance check from a company You have problems closing a bank account You have problems opening a bank account A financial institution takes money from your top savings accounts against your wishes You have problems locating funds from your certificate of deposit (CD) or other personal types of bank accounts
When Should You File a CFPB Complaint?
How to File a CFPB Complaint
1. Develop Your Complaint
2. Choose a CFPB Complaint Venue
Submitting a complaint on the CFPB website Submitting a complaint through the CFPB toll-free phone number at (855) 411-2372 Submitting a complaint via postal mail Submitting a complaint to a party that refers your complaint to the CFPB
3. Move Forward With Your Complaint
The Takeaway
Frequently Asked Questions
Photo credit: iStock/Delmaine Donson
About the Author
Sulaiman Abdur-Rahman writes about personal loans, auto loans, student loans, and other personal finance topics for Lantern. He’s the recipient of more than 10 journalism awards and served as a New Jersey Society of Professional Journalists board member. An alumnus of the Philadelphia-based Temple University, Abdur-Rahman is a strong advocate of the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
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