Routing Number vs Account Number: What Are the Differences?

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What Is a Routing Number?
What Is an Account Number?
Why Are Routing and Account Numbers Important?
Set up direct deposit Pay bills online Make automated loan payments Transfer money from one bank to another Send and receive wire transfers Set up a peer-to-peer payment services such as Venmo or PayPal Making payments from your bank account by phone Reorder checks Link a budgeting app to your bank account
Differences Between Routing and Account Numbers
What they represent. Routing numbers identify financial institutions, whereas account numbers identify individual bank accounts. Public vs. private. Routing numbers are shared publicly. You can find a bank’s routing number on a bank’s website even if you don’t have an account with that bank. Account numbers are private. Only an account holder can access their account number. Who assigns them. The ABA assigns routing numbers to banks; banks assign account numbers, giving each customer account a unique number. How long they are. Routing numbers are always nine digits in length. Account numbers can vary in length, with some being as long as 17 digits.
Tips for Finding Your Routing and Account Numbers Online
Log Into Your Online Account
Download Your Statement
Use Your Bank’s Mobile App
Tips for Finding Your Routing and Account Numbers on a Check
Find Your Routing Number
Find Your Account Number
Good to Know
What to Do if You Can’t Find Your Routing and Account Numbers
Which Number Is Used for Setting Up Direct Deposit?
The Takeaway
Frequently Asked Questions
Photo credit: iStock/FG Trade
About the Author
Chris Alexis has been putting pen to paper and fingertips to keyboard since his youth. He ultimately grew into an accomplished and award-winning writer who loves using the power of language to connect with audiences. He also strongly enjoys learning about who he is writing for so he can create something that will truly resonate with them. He has worked for a variety of companies, each of which have given him more experience and insight.
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