Reading Your Credit Card Statement

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What Is a Credit Card Statement?
What's Included in a Credit Card Statement?
Your name Your address The last four digits of your account number
Transactions Payments Interest charges and fees
How to Read a Credit Card Statement
Account Summary Payment Information Transactions Interest Charge Calculations Rewards Notice of Changes to Interest Rate Important Changes to Your Account Terms
Account Summary
Previous balance Payments and credits New purchases Balance transfers Cash advances Past due amount Fees charged Interest charged
Credit limit Available credit Statement closing date Billing cycle’s number of days
Payment Information
Late Payment Warning. This section details the late payment fee and penalty Annual Percentage Rate (APR) that may be applied to your account if you fail to make the minimum payment by the due date listed on your card statement. These credit card fees are important to know and understand. Minimum Payment Warning. This section advises you that if you make only the minimum payment due that your balance may take longer to pay off and cost you more in interest charges.
New purchases Balance transfers Cash advances Credits and payments Fees charged to your account Interest charged to your account
Interest Charge Calculations
Type of balance that the interest is applied to APR for each type of balance The balance subject to interest Interest charged
Your opening rewards balance for the statement period New rewards you earned during the statement period Rewards you redeemed Your ending rewards balance
Other Card Statement Details
What your options are for making a payment (i.e. online, over the phone, by mail) Where to send a payment by mail Minimum payment due Payment due date
The Takeaway
About the Author
Rebecca Lake is a freelance writer specializing in personal finance, investing and small business. Her work has appeared online at U.S. News and World Report, Forbes Advisor, and Investopedia. Rebecca writes about a variety of topics for SoFi, including budgeting, saving money and student loans.
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