The Costs of a Replacement Engine

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Is It Worth It to Replace an Engine?
How Much Does a New Engine Cost?
How Much Does an Engine Rebuild Cost?
Typical Engine Replacement Labor Costs
10 x $70 = $700 at the low end 25 x $100 = $2,500 at the high end The average cost to rebuild an engine can be between $1,200 and $1,800
Other Engine Replacement Costs
Water pump Fuel pump Radiator hoses Drive belts Intake and exhaust manifolds Belt tensioners Idler Pulleys
Water Pump
Fuel Pump
Radiator Hoses
Drive Belts
Intake and Exhaust Manifolds
Belt Tensioners
Idler Pulleys
Ways to Cover Engine Replacement Costs
Cash Credit Card Personal Loan
Credit Card
Personal Loan
Other Typical Car Repair Costs
Airbag replacement costs Catalytic converter costs Transmission costs Head gasket costs
Airbag Replacement Cost
Catalytic Converter Cost
Transmission Cost
Head Gasket Cost
The Takeaway
3 Auto Loan Refinance Tips
Refinancing your auto loan could lead to lower monthly car payments and more money in your budget. Lantern by SoFi can help you find the right auto refi loan for you. Lengthening the term of your auto loan can decrease your monthly payments and free up funds for other financial goals. Generally, the newer your car, the lower the refi interest rate. This is because younger cars typically have a higher value than old or used cars — and the car serves as collateral for the loan.
Frequently Asked Questions
Photo credit: iStock/fnd3000
About the Author
Kelly Boyer Sagert is an Emmy Award-nominated writer with decades of professional writing experience. As she was getting her writing career off the ground, she spent several years working at a savings and loan institution, working in the following departments: savings, loans, IRAs, and auditing. She has published thousands of pieces online and in print.
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