Are New Employees Able to Get a Personal Loan?

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Typical Personal Loan Approval Odds as a New Employee
Risk of Lending a Personal Loan to New Employees
Do Private Lenders Care if You Are a New Employee?
Income Employment history Debt-to-income ratio Credit score Credit history Loan amount
Can You Use a Job Offer Letter as Proof of Income for a Personal Loan?
Do You Need a Cosigner or Co-borrower to Get a Personal Loan as a New Employee?
Typical Personal Loan Employment Requirements
Personal Loan Income Requirements
Tips for Getting Personal Loans as a New Employee
Check your credit. It’s a good idea to review your credit report to make sure it doesn’t contain any mistakes. If you see errors, contact the credit bureau to correct them as soon as possible. Make sure you meet all the lender’s requirements. If you’re uncertain about what a lender requires for eligibility, contact them to find out the specifics. This will help you understand what they're looking for. Ask for a lower loan amount. A smaller amount is considered less of a risk and may help increase your chances of being approved Submit all paperwork and supporting documents. Make sure to give the lender everything they need to avoid delays or having them return your application for corrections. Consider having a cosigner or co-borrower on the loan. This could make you less risky to a lender because a second person will also be responsible for repaying the loan if you can’t. Wait a bit before applying, if you can. If you can hold off for a month or two before applying for a personal loan, you may have an easier time getting approved.
The Takeaway
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About the Author
Lauren Ward is a personal finance expert with nearly a decade of experience writing online content. Her work has appeared on websites such as MSN, Time, and Bankrate. Lauren writes on a variety of personal finance topics for SoFi, including credit and banking.
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