What Happens to Personal Loans When the Lenders or Borrower Die?

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What Happens to Loan Debt When the Borrower Dies?
The Borrower’s Estate Is Responsible for Settling Debts
Prioritizing Debt Payments
Spouse Bears the Responsibility of the Debts
Who Can Inherit a Debt?
Cosigners Joint account holders/owners People who didn’t follow probate laws Spouses
Cosigners on a Loan
Joint Account Holders or Owners
Those Responsible for Settling the Estate’s Debts Who Didn’t Follow Probate Laws
Community Property State Spouse
What Happens to Personal Loans When the Lender Dies?
How Do I Know It Was a Loan?
When Does a Loan Turn Into a Gift?
Personal Loans
Personal loans can be unsecured or secured as a collateralized loan Almost anything of value can be used as collateral for a personal loan Personal loans come with a specified interest rate and repayment term You can pay personal loans off early, but some lenders may charge prepayment penalties
In Which States is a Spouse Responsible for the Debts?
Arizona California Idaho Louisiana Nevada New Mexico Texas Washington Wisconsin
What Happens If Those Responsible for a Debt Default?
What Happens to Different Types of Debt After Death?
Credit cards Mortgage loans Home equity loans Medical bills Auto loans Student loans Personal loans
Credit Card
Home Equity
Medical Bills
Auto Loans
Student Loans
Personal Loans
The Takeaway
Frequently Asked Questions
Photo credit: iStock/akinbostanci
About the Author
Kelly Boyer Sagert is an Emmy Award-nominated writer with decades of professional writing experience. As she was getting her writing career off the ground, she spent several years working at a savings and loan institution, working in the following departments: savings, loans, IRAs, and auditing. She has published thousands of pieces online and in print.
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