Refinancing Student Loans Before Buying a Car: Things to Consider

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Refinancing Student Loans to Afford a Car
Lowering Monthly Payments
Your debt-to-income ratio may improve Improving your DTI may help you qualify for auto loan financing Your lower student loan payment may help you save for a down payment on a car or an outright cash purchase of a new or used vehicle
Advantages of Refinancing Student Loans to Purchase a Car
Can Help You Become a Car Owner
May Qualify for Better Car Financing Terms
Disadvantages of Refinancing Student Loans to Purchase a Car
May Impact Your Debt Relief Options
Interest Costs May Increase
Leasing vs Buying a Car With Student Loans
Refinance Student Loans with Lantern:
Refinance student loans for a lower interest rate if you qualify Request a student loan deferment See if your workplace offers employer student loan repayment assistance
Frequently Asked Questions
Photo credit: iStock/Vladimir Vladimirov
About the Author
Sulaiman Abdur-Rahman writes about personal loans, auto loans, student loans, and other personal finance topics for Lantern. He’s the recipient of more than 10 journalism awards and served as a New Jersey Society of Professional Journalists board member. An alumnus of the Philadelphia-based Temple University, Abdur-Rahman is a strong advocate of the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
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