Does Refinancing Student Loans Hurt Your Credit?

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Credit Score: Why Is It Important?
On-time payments for bills Steady (but not excessive) use of credit History of paying balances in full
What is Student Loan Refinancing?
Refinancing Student Loans and Your Credit
Limiting Application to a 14-30 Day Window
Continuing to Make Payments on Student Loan Before Refinancing is Complete
Staying Current on Refinance Payments
The Takeaway
Frequently Asked Questions
Photo credit: iStock/PeopleImages
About the Author
Nancy Bilyeau writes about student loans, mortgages, car insurance, medical debt and many other finance topics for Lantern. A veteran of the magazine business, she has edited stories on personal finance for Good Housekeeping and DuJour magazines and has written articles for The Wall Street Journal, Readers' Digest, Parade, Town & Country and Lifetime/A&E, among others. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan.
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