Student Loan Forbearance vs Deferment

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What Is Student Loan Forbearance?
How Does Student Loan Forbearance Work?
You’re currently serving in AmeriCorps and you received a national service award. Under the U.S. Department of Defense Student Loan Repayment Program, you may be eligible for partial repayment of your loans. You’re serving in a medical or dental internship/residency program and meet certain requirements. You’ve been activated as a member of the National Guard by a governor, but you’re not eligible for a military deferment. If the total amount you owe each month for all your federal student loans is 20% or more of your total monthly gross income, you can pursue a Student Loan Debt Burden forbearance. You’re performing a qualifying teaching service, which makes you eligible for Teacher Loan Forgiveness forbearance.
Pay the interest on your loans as it accrues. Allow the interest to accrue. But remember, as of July 1, 2023, interest will no longer be capitalized and added to your loan principal balance at the end of the forbearance period.
Pros and Cons of Student Loan Forbearance
What Is Student Loan Deferment?
How Does Student Loan Deferment Work?
If you are a parent with Parent PLUS loans and your child is in college, you can request in-school parent deferment. This deferment will typically last as long as your child is in school and for six months after graduation. If you’re having difficulty landing a job or receiving unemployment benefits, you might be eligible for unemployment deferment, which can last for up to three years. If you’re employed, but make less than 150% of the poverty guideline for your state and family size, you may qualify for an economic hardship deferment for up to three years. You can also apply for an economic hardship deferment if you serve in the Peace Corps. If you’re on active duty in the military, you could be eligible for a deferment for the duration of your service and 13 months afterward. If you’re battling cancer, you can apply to defer loans while undergoing treatment plus an additional six months. If you’re in a qualified training program and providing treatment for vocational, drug abuse, mental health, or alcohol abuse, you may be eligible for deferment.
Pros and Cons of Student Loan Deferment
Difference Between Student Loan Forbearance vs Deferment
Direct Subsidized Loans Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans Perkins Loans Subsidized parts of Direct Consolidation Loans or Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program Consolidation Loans
Is Student Loan Deferment or Forbearance Better?
Deciding Which Plan Is Right for You
The Takeaway
Frequently Asked Questions
Photo credit: iStock/monkeybusinessimages
About the Author
Chris Alexis has been putting pen to paper and fingertips to keyboard since his youth. He ultimately grew into an accomplished and award-winning writer who loves using the power of language to connect with audiences. He also strongly enjoys learning about who he is writing for so he can create something that will truly resonate with them. He has worked for a variety of companies, each of which have given him more experience and insight.
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