Can You Get Student Loan Forgiveness if You Refinance?

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Editor’s note: Lantern by SoFi seeks to provide content that is objective, independent and accurate. Writers are separate from our business operation and do not receive direct compensation from advertisers or partners. Read more about our Editorial Guidelines and How We Make Money.
What Is Student Loan Forgiveness?
What Is Student Loan Refinancing?
Does Refinancing Disqualify You From Loan Forgiveness?
Refinancing Federal Student Loans
Refinancing Private Student Loans
Is Refinancing the Right Choice for Me?
Making Student Loan Payments
Borrowers can make more than the minimum payment when paying off student loans Federal student loans are discharged if a borrower dies Some private lenders may not discharge your debt if you die
The Takeaway
Frequently Asked Questions
Photo credit: iStock/gorodenkoff
About the Author
Sulaiman Abdur-Rahman writes about personal loans, auto loans, student loans, and other personal finance topics for Lantern. He’s the recipient of more than 10 journalism awards and served as a New Jersey Society of Professional Journalists board member. An alumnus of the Philadelphia-based Temple University, Abdur-Rahman is a strong advocate of the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
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